Cher journal


Aujourd’hui je t’écris depuis une lointaine

Et paisible retraite où coulent mes vieux jours,

Je regarde le ciel et admire la mer,

Non sans regret, sans peine, mais je noie mes cris

Car ci, et pour toujours, la douleur n’est soustraite

Par aucune eau amère d’un coeur artificiel,

Ceux-là, voyant ma penne, hissent en néo christ

Quelque idée abat-jour tracée de main distraite

Et donnent aux chimères allure de six ailes,

Moi, d’office conscrit – bannière puritaine -,

Ne tord et maltraite que des belles-de-jour,

Autel sacrificiel des plaisirs éphémères.


Petit exercice de passe-passe avec les sons.

Mare lunar


Just as a beach of sand is forever stranded

Or a forest of leaves are lost into the woods,

The starry skies of night shine deep into my eyes

And yet I cannot see for darkness is in me.

Just as an open wound with a scar is branded

Or a smile is happy and a tear ever sad,

Just as this perfect role becomes but a disguise

Swept by a coarse wind of restless serenity.


A series of relatively poetic images.



You have passion? You have good verve?

You like action and excitement?

New things to leave? Need incitement?

Do you believe that you deserve

Another chance to show your worth?

Or to give meaning to your birth?

To be the lance forefront the earth?

We are gleaning talent and mirth

And we need you in our program!

The right are few, others are wrong,

We seek brilliance, we seek the strong!

We seek valiance in potential,

But no prior, nor credential.

You are on queue, a photogram.

Yes, we do hire, with your accord,

All you desire; are you on board?


Once again, having ‘finished’ this piece (meaning I have written all I feel I should have written/all I needed or wanted to write), I feel as if I do not completely know or understand what I wanted to achieve or where I wanted to go. I have a vague idea – a feeling, an image – of what I meant, and an interpretation but it remains partly unclear (and will probably remain so for some time). Also, it feels like it still lacks something, some sort of tenure or substance that I will have to come back and add in the future. I shall see, time shall tell.

As often, a mix of bittersweet, clear and obscure, light and uneasy feelings while reading.



She was sitting there, by the window,

Her face sullen, full of sorrow,

Such a young face, yet a widow,

For her, no today, no tomorrow;

Suddenly the wagons began to rumble

And as the wheels began to roll

She felt the strain, she felt the toll,

Oh if they could hear her heart crumble,

The fated train rocked on away

And she let its slow rhythm sway

Her wounded soul, lull her spirit to rest;

The sky had long cleared of the smoke

When the landscape faded and the yoke

Melted in a salted flood on the old leather vest.


The peace of the weary is no rest.

Two millenia and a major


Once upon this new year

I ask for good fortune,

If may be events could

For once dance to my tune,

Oh if my life could be

As simple as I wish,

I want not be happy

With just a flick and swish

But instead to have strength

To pursue all those goals

That remain at arm’s length

Since began my journey,

I wish to have wisdom

Enough to bend the knee

And break not all my bones

But too to still keep faith

Walking by three old crones,

I ask not a solution

But a sliver of hope,

I wish not absolution –

My sins are and will remain –

I ask but for a chance

To be a better one,

That from the shield and lance

Come silence and come peace,

Passion poetica

For life and its wonders,

Past and future splendors

And perhaps even me.


Happy new year 2018!

She Was Ital


She was a magician and she was her white dove,

she was the hand of steel and she the velvet glove,

she was ammunition and she was the canon,

she was the faithful seal and she was the danaann,

she was from the deep gorge, she yearned for the high cliff,

she took upon herself to make self of her ‘if’,

she was the mighty forge, she the godly smithy,

and of her loving delph she made burning pythy,

she was of great beauty, she, beautiful greatness,

she was the proud peafowl, she was the graceful swan,

she honored her duty, she was left with her dress,

moonlighted, broken howl; together they were one.


Imagine a meeting that shall never happen…



In about three week’s time,

Not long after the year

Once more be gone anew,

I shall release the fear

Without figure or rhyme –

Though without losing mine –

And untangle the vine

And its twisting sinew

To attempt to express

What I have left to guess,

I will attempt the leap,

Surrender faith to jump,

To keep face don’t undo,

For I can no more keep

This growing painful lump

That time and space plunder;

To hell with sage senses!

Be it my Waterloo,

Mine the consequences

Were I broke asunder…


Do or do not, there is no try.

Hearth’s Ong


Look how they tear down our clouds, they steal our rivers,

They say we should be proud that we are such givers,

They eat our old forests and they burn out our sun,

Saying we cannot rest, that we have had our fun,

They drown out the oceans and scatter the deserts,

They consume the wild winds as main course and dessert,

They dry out the fountain and they empty the horn,

They melt down the mountains and they thaw of the thorn,

They claim the horizon and then reach far beyond,

They slow twist the reason and makeshift the respond,

They say that our great minds have found a solution

Then believe they make death in live threads, and needles,

They count away our breaths in innocent wheedles

As they brandish notions such as absolution,

They take away our land, they shackle our freedom,

But do not try to leave, but do not try to come,

They say they firmly stand for universal peace,

Oh watch them as they grieve, tearing it piece by piece,

They loan our deaths away, they trade the future now,

They make the whole world sway with all that they allow,

They see and take and break as children make a fuss,

Leaving ___ in their wake; but, see you not? They are Us.


I feel this still needs a bit of work to reach the impact I want to give it and for it to give to others, but I needed to get it out. I shall reflect on it later.